Casual Gathering with Moojan Asghari
11/22/2018 (Thu) 11:00 - 13:30
6 / 10
Jane Shih
Event Information

We will have a casual gathering with Moojan Asghari, Co-founder at Women in AI

This is female only event, ideally for women interested or already work in the AI industry or roles.

Born in Tehran and based in Paris, Moojan is an adventurous entrepreneur, a dreamer and a tech obsessed. She believes that the technology can change the world when time and space collide, where humans meet in person and create meaningful experiences.

She is the initiator and cofounder of Silk Road Startup, the biggest International Tech event in Iran, aiming at connecting the country to International communities and helping Iranian entrepreneurs with education, resources and meaningful connections.

Moojan has recently joined Sigfox, a global IoT company as the Project Manager of Hacking House, an innovative centre to fast track the IoT adoption.

Passionate about the impact of AI on our lives, she also initiated Women in AI, an incredible group of women, aiming to close the gender gap in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which is lacking a drastic number of female influencers.. Prior to this, and as a community-driven advocate, Moojan co-founded Startup Sesame, which is the largest alliance of Tech events in Europe, leveraging on the value created by human interactions at Tech events.

She holds an Industrial engineering degree and a double degree in Master in Management and Corporate Finance.

Event fee & Reservation
Mu-Hsuan Natasha Pan
Mandy Chung
Hsin Huei Chang
Tonia from Star Rocket
Maxine Chiao