Book ChitChat Time- The Making of a Manager
05/21/2019 (Tue) 01:00 - 03:00
425 Market Street, Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94105,
425 Market Street, Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94105
2 / 20
Jane Shih
Event Information

Julie Zhuo is one of Silicon Valley's top product design executives, she leads the teams behind some of the most popular web and mobile services used by billions of people around the world. Julie writes about technology, great user experiences and we'll discuss what we learned in her new book "The Making of a Manager".

We will need 3 types of roles in this learning session. 1) Managers 2) Technical Employees 3) Non-Technical Employees

Please read the book before you come to our meetup. We will have each one of us share thoughts about the book for 5 mins before we break up into chitchat sessions. We will prepare snacks and beverage thanks much to our community member Samantha Low for sponsoring the venue and f/b.

The meetup is co-hosted by Samantha S. Low, a tenant real estate advisor, an optimist and a co-founder of TenantSee, which is a tech-infused tenant real estate platform, which is the first of its kind in the CRE industry and won awards in CRETech.  TenantSee is is unconventional and it provides tenants a better, faster and easier office leasing experience, one gets real time information/updates via their mobile devices.

Payel Mitra
Andy Chen