Open UP Summit Tokyo Outreach
08/19/2019 (Mon) 10:40 - 13:00
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Open UP Global
Event Information

Open UP Summit Tokyo Outreach is a networking event for people who are interested in open source and enjoy meeting new people in the field. At this event we invited 2 speakers that are into open source and community building. We are fortunate to have SmartNews and Happy Digital to be our partners and sponsors for this outreach.

👉Topic: Open source is good but not as good as you think

Speaker: Freddie Wang @ SmartNews

Freddie is a Software Engineer from SmartNews. He will introduce the difficulty of creating an open source project in the company.

👉Topic: There are So Many Ways to Contribute to Open Source Projects

Speaker: Naoko Takano @ Automattic

オープンソースプロジェクトへの貢献、と聞くと、どのようなことをするイメージを持つでしょうか。多くのソフトウェアのコミュニティにおいては、ソースコードを書くという作業がその大半を占めています。私が関わる WordPress はややユニークで、もちろんコードを書いて貢献している人も非常に数多く存在するのですが、そうではない人でも幅広い分野で大きく貢献することが可能です。


What do you picture when you hear the phrase "contribution to open source projects"? In many software development communities, it often means writing the source code. However, the WordPress community is kind of unique. Of course, there are a large number of contributors who write code – but at the same time, you can be an impactful contributor in a wide range of areas outside of programming.

In this session, Naoko would like to introduce and propose some ways to contribute your earned skills to open source projects. By doing so, you may be able to help millions of others.

Naoko is a translation community manager and event organizer in Japanese and global WordPress community. She is currently keeping herself busy by leading the organizing team of WordCamp Asia (Feb 21-23, 2020/Bangkok), the first flagship WordPress event in Asia.

Big thanks to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors, without whom our event would not be possible. We invite you to support these community-minded companies.

Our venue sponsor - SmartNews

News should be for everyone. But not when it’s buried under cat videos—or when your internet is spotty—or when it’s in a filter bubble. That’s why we created SmartNews.

Our mission is to discover and deliver quality stories to the world. To accomplish this: We are a machine learning company.News should be impartial, trending and trustworthy. Our algorithms evaluate millions of articles, social signals and human interactions to deliver the top 0.01% of stories that matter most, right now.

We love content.

News should be sustainable. We support quality journalism and respect publishers by sharing 100% of article traffic and revenue.

Our refreshment sponsor - Happy Digital

What is Open UP Summit?

Open UP Summit is the 1st tech conference organized by Star Rocket Foundation and in Taipei, Taiwan, focusing on open source projects/products and bringing tech communities together. It will be hosted from 11/30-12/1 at Syntrend, Taipei. We aim to provide you a unique conference experience by integrating global resources and developing open sources products with guided and enjoyable processes. Open UP Summit is now calling for speakers and projects, more detail about this summit please check out:

Location: SmartNews, Inc.

Language: English.

Light refreshments will be provided.
