AI Projects at Google: from NLP to Genomics
09/16/2017 (Sat) 01:45 - 04:30
30 / 30
Jane Shih
Event Information

人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)來了! 科技的進步超乎想像,十年來,人們創造出智慧手機、手錶、無人駕駛...等科技。它不像科幻電影中所知道的機器人,但它目前就在你、我的日常生活和工作,只要上網搜尋資料、購物、使用服務,或是打開手機使用 APP,我們就在和人工智慧互動。

你知道在美國只有 3% 的 AI 專長畢業生是女生?在台灣,AI 的討論才正在興起,相關教育與就業環境還沒真的準備好。我們為了要讓女生了解這也是很棒的科技職涯路,特別找了美國的 GIT 志工 Susana Craig 一起從 8/26 起在Girls in Tech Taiwan 舉辦一系列的 AI Web Series 活動,第四場邀請到 Pi-Chuan Chang 來用視訊分享 "機器學習與深度學習的簡介及Google在做的自然語言及基因學專案"。Pi-Chuan是少數在美國矽谷的Google Brain上班的台灣人軟體工程師,是史丹佛大學畢業的博士高材生。有趣的是如果沒有Susana的引薦,我們也不認識她。她的分享因為公司規定的原因不能直播與錄影,所以這場只會是跟我們做現場視訊,如果場地30位不夠坐,我們會另外找地點。請盡快預約

Bio – 
Pi-Chuan holds a CS PhD from Stanford, specializing in Natural Language Processing. After Stanford, she has worked at 3 companies of very different sizes. She has led machine learning projects with public launches in various product areas, such YouTube video personalization, NLP features in search, semantic parsing for voice actions, and more powerful sequence models in LinkedIn search. Currently she is exploring a new field of using deep learning in genomics at the Google Brain team. Having machine learning/intelligence as a core competency as well as solid software engineering skills has enabled her to lead and engage in exciting new projects in her 8 years in the industry.

The talk will cover:
* Quick intro to ML (machine learning) and DL (deep learning)
* Applications at Google: I'll give some examples from NLP (natural language processing) as well as applications in Health and Genomics


*由於SD Coworking Plaza的座位有限,請盡快預約。入場費/人:NTD$400(含餐與場地費,請備現金)

*全程英文 (This is an English meetup. We'll host the meetup at SD Coworking Plaza. The entry fee is NTD$400/person, 30 seats only.)

Nina Ko
Joe Yeh
Liu Yuhan
Christine Chu
Constanza Mahuzier
Eddy Wei
Jonathan Yu
Sherry Liao
Emma Ku
Vicky Hwang
Karen Chung
Joyce Wu
Hsin Chen
Hanna Lee
Patty Liu
Yi-chun Tseng
M.w. Yen
Angie Wang
Holly Hsiao
Alicia Yi-Ting Tsai
Emily Chen TW
Fang-Yu Lin
Randx Huang